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Jesus Creed
Covenant Affirmations
xscot mcknight
For a nice way of putting together a “doctrinal statement” that keeps life and mind together, see the Covenant Affirmations by the Evangelical Covenant Church, the sponsoring denomination of North Park University.
xscot mcknight
Here is a link to my interview for the PBS TV discussion of the emerging church. For what it worth. I wish I could edit it, but such is an interview.
Post Partisanship
xscot mcknight
I’ve done my best to avoid politics (not that I think that is a virtue), but tonight’s post will approach a political blog. First, a context. I was largely apolitical in high school and college in an era that was preeminently political (read: Vietnam) at a school that was preeminently apolitical. My concentration was studies…
Post Doctrinal Statements
xscot mcknight
Jesus said in Matthew 7 that we will recognize them by their fruit, but we’ve had a hard time letting fruit be what we are all about. The emerging movement has pressed this issue to the fore by being “post” doctrinal statements. I’ve been frustrated by comments but even more by blogsites and websites because…
“Post”modernism theses
xscot mcknight
In a book dreamed up and edited by Myron Penner, called Christianity and the Postmodern Turn, Kevin Vanhoozer, a friend from my TEDS days and a scholar whose writings I always cherish, has proposed ten theses about postmodernism. (Incidentally, Penner’s focus on postmodernism as a linguistic turn is most helpful.) I shall summarize Kevin’s theses…
Ethics in Religion Newsweekly Interview (text)
xscot mcknight
Kim Lawton’s fine work of getting some ideas about the emergent movement can now be read in text form before it shows on TV tomorrow. See here.
Post Meta-narrative?
xscot mcknight
In this post on “post,” I want to look briefly — that’s what I always say to myself — at the claim by postmodernists that they have surrendered a meta-narrative. A meta-narrative is an all-encompassing explanation of all of life; it is universal; it is objective; it should work for all. Most postmodernists claim modernists…
PBS Interviews
xscot mcknight
Kim Lawton, of PBS TV, informs me again that their interview about the Emergent movement is a 2-part series that will be aired in various locations and times beginning this weekend. I think the Chicago time is 6am Saturday morning. The second interview will focus on Brian McLaren. Fuller scripts of the interviews will be…
The Post-Evangelical “Crisis”
xscot mcknight
Gordon Lynch, in his analytical and easy-to-read study, Losing My Religion? Moving on from Evangelical Faith, makes an observation that I wish to address briefly in this post. First, a brief introduction. Lynch is a former British Evangelical, now professor of practical theology at the University of Birmingham (not Alabama) and author of at least…
xscot mcknight
In this series of blogs on “post,” today’s post concerns what it means for postmoderns to deny certainty. On this topic I am reasonably convinced that those who are criticizing those who are denying certainty are talking right by one another. I’m not sure listening has taken place. It is common for some in the…
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