Jesus Creed

In this first post on the Pharisees, I wish to remind us of what we have learned about the Pharisees and I wish to get us to thinking about the potential danger of our rhetoric about them. Before I go to the Gospels (and Josephus) to summarize what the Pharisees are all about, let me…

Lesslie Newbigin is a leading thinker in the Emergent conversation, and his Foolishness to the Greeks: The Gospel and Western Culture, which I finished last night, is a book still worth reading (published 1986). [The link will take you to a and there are plenty of used copies available.] In the next few weeks…

Kim Lawton of PBS TV informs me now that the Emergent conversation TV show has been pushed back to the weekend of July 8 and 15, so keep your eye for the PBS interviews.

Brian McLaren’s Generous Orthodoxy, on my first read, created all kinds of dialogue in my own mind and I found very few to discuss it with because I was not yet a blogger nor had any of my colleagues read it. Because I’ve been thinking of late what it means to be orthodox, I’ve returned…

In this the fifth in a five-part set of posts on the Four Spiritual Laws, I will look at the fourth spiritual law of Campus Crusade’s influential evangelistic tract. We must individually receive Christ; then we can know and experience God’s love and plan for our lives. Receiving Christ (John 1:12), the new birth (John…

In this the fourth in a five-part set of posts on the Four Spiritual Laws, I will look at the 3d spiritual law: Jesus Christ is God’s ONLY provision for Man’s sin. Through Him you can know and experience God’s love and plan for your life… The “law” then goes on to point out that…

Yesterday I was interviewed by a sharp religion columnist with Religion and Ethics Newsweekly for PBS. Kim Lawton has worked hard to learn what “emergent” means, and I was deeply appreciative of the questions she had the mind to ask. She was fair; she remains curious; and she is willing to listen and learn. She…

A quote worth remembering: The light of Christ’s life reaches us through the Church as the community of those who, bound together in the love which Christ brought down, are “forever shedding that love abroad” in their own lives and “manifesting in the grace of Christlike character the reconciling purpose of God. From Lesslie Newbigin:…

The 2d spiritual law of the classic Four Spiritual Laws is this: Man is sinful and separated from God. Therefore, he cannot know and experience God’s love and plan for his life. Here the law appeals to Romans 3:23 for “sinful” and to Romans 6:23 for the “separated” (=spiritual death). The italicized explanation at the…

Here is the First Spiritual Law of Bill Bright’s famous Four Spiritual Laws tract, just in case you haven’t used it or heard it: Just as there are physical laws that govern the physical universe, so are there spiritual laws which govern your relationship with God. Law One: God LOVES you, and offers a wonderful…

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