Jesus Creed

Over the last several weeks we have had an extended conversation on intelligent design as we have discussed Stephen C. Meyer’s book, Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design. One of the comments on the last post asked a question: As someone without a detailed scientific background I sometimes find these…

As if Tom Long hasn’t taken on board some major issues in his lectures on preaching, the last chapter in his new book, Preaching from Memory to Hope , examines preaching about eschatology. Here’s the big introduction idea, as he asks preachers in the mainline the questions: “What do you think about eschatology? I don’t know.…

Some good folks and friends of ours are working out exercises for families to participate in the Church calendar. Check it out… Here are some activities for the family and an individual for Lent.

Yes, you guessed right if you said “video games.” Check out this report, and tell me what you see going on…. What are your suggestions? Is any church actually working on this issue with parents and kids? Suburban youth baseball and softball coaches can expect to find fewer players on the ball fields this summer,…

It’s a great story. The apostle Paul harrassed into persecution in the Temple by those who thought he was a trouble-making unobservant Jew divulges that he’s a Roman, and everything changes. Through a series of hearings Paul ends up in Caesarea before King Agrippa II and the whole of Acts 25 is worth reading. Paul’s…

Tom Long takes on the many, many American manifestations of the gnostic impulse in his new book, Preaching from Memory to Hope. Some will not like this as an example, but here it is: “The old American revival hymn wonders about Jesus, ‘You ask me how I know he lives?’ The hymn’s answer breathes the claustrophobic…

This post concludes our series with Chris Hall, author of Worshiping With the Church Fathers , a book that examines how the earliest fathers — theologians and pastors and leaders — understood spirituality. Eucharist and baptism, prayer, and withdrawal are Hall’s major themes. His last chp examines what the fathers learned when the withdrew into the…

Every serious Gospel scholar at some point has to sit down for a summer or so, underline every word in the Synoptics according a color-coded system, and come to a conclusion on the relationship of Matthew, Mark and Luke. I remember Jimmy Dunn suggesting I do this, and I went home and began … and…

There is a custom in many liturgical churches that looks like this: the worshiper walks forward to the altar, kneels on a kneeler, opens his or her hands, receives the bread, the liturgist then offers the cup to the worshiper, and the worshiper either dips the bread into the cup or, having ingested the bread,…

O God, who before the passion of your only begotten Son revealed his glory upon the holy mountain: Grant to us that we, beholding by faith the light of his countenance, may be strengthened to bear our cross, and be changed into his likeness from glory to glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and…

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