Jesus Creed

Not long ago I spoke to the leaders of one of my favorite churches, Irving Bible Church in Irving Texas. IBC was one of the first churches where I spoke about the Jesus Creed a few years back, and I have been in contact with them — with Andy McQuitty and Steve and Jackie Roese…

Here is a post from Jeremy Berg about Dan Kent’s new program that is a self-assessment tool for Theology. I could see Depts of Theology dipping into the school budget to finance students taking the test and then using it as an assessment tool. (It costs five dollars.) Take it and tell us what you…

Many participate in eucharist weekly. This series is for those — so we will post it early each Sunday AM — and it is for those who wish their local church had weekly communion and it is also for those who want to ponder weekly the great mysteries of the redemption we give thanks for,…

Almighty and everlasting God, you govern all things both in heaven and on earth: Mercifully hear the supplications of your people, and in our time grant us your peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Kris and I aren’t big movie buffs, but many of you are. Since this blog is for all of us, I thought I’d follow up on the suggestion of one our readers and start something new: Friday Night at the Movies. This post, appearing Friday evenings, will be a review of a current movie (or…

I was sent this piece written by James Emery White, liked it so much I posted it here. The link at the bottom will take you to the originating site. Give Me a Book I am, unashamedly, a book man. You may have expected me to say a “reading” man, which would also be true. …

Chris Ridgeway, the reviewer of this book and my former research assistant, is the national Staff Program Manager for Great Commission Ministries, and blogs on theology from a digital context at… And Chris wrote a thesis on internet and Bible, and I’m thinking we’ll be hearing more from his insightful thought. [One other point: Dwight…

If you would like to write a review of a book (somewhere between 2 and 3000 words), do notify me through this post in the comment box below. Many have written in to say how much they are appreciating this new dimension of the blog.

The News of the Week for Apple Folks:  The iPad Have you seen our kids at Mabanteneni? Think about sponsoring a child. (Be patient, it takes about a minute for all the pictures of the kids to load.) Pray for iMonk. Marius Nel’s review of Ferguson’s book has now been picked up by Englewood Review…

The 20th Century began with war between evangelicals or fundamentalists and liberals or modernists. Not only were doctrines under dispute but there was another dispute: was the gospel designed to address spiritual or social problems? It can be said that vast majority of the 20th Century saw the American Church split between liberals, who preferred…

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