As a child…

…I wasn’t born in poverty, though I did have to wear hand-me-down clothes once in a while. Not because I needed to, but because my father was cheap.

As a child…

…I wasn’t lacking clean water or food, though my mom refused to buy me Kool-Aid because it contained too much sugar.

As a child…

…I wasn’t without an education, though a couple of my teachers seemed to be.

As a child…

…my mother wasn’t raped or sick or a single parent, though Mom did nag me sometimes.

As a child…

…my father wasn’t a drug dealer or a part of a gang, though he did join the Gideons when I was four.

As a child…

…I wasn’t in need of a child sponsorship through World Vision, though I could suck in my stomach so much that people were able to see my internal organs. And that did garner me a fair amount of attention.

As a child…

…I wasn’t hungry, though sometimes I craved Pop tarts.

As a child…

…I wasn’t lacking for health care or medicine, though I sometimes wished we’d run out of Robitussin.

As a child…

…I wasn’t dependent on somebody from the United States or Canada or United Kingdom sponsoring me….

As a child, what wasn’t your story?

If you’ve ever consider sponsoring a child whose story WAS all of the things that my story wasn’t… prayerfully consider sponsoring that child now.

He or she needs you.

World Vision needs you.


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