I like you, Zondervan. I usually like you a lot.
But the Chunky Bible?
CHUNKY?! Really?
Again, I like you. In some cases, I love you. Lots of my friends have publishing deals with you. Heck, God has had several publishing deals with you.
But this was not his idea. So don’t blame him.
When I hear the word “chunky,” I think of…
Once again, I love you, Z. Can I call you Z? But this is bad idea.
Nope. It doesn’t matter if it sells a million copies to Disney Channel fans.
It’s the BIBLE. If you want to create the Chunky Purpose Driven Life, go for it. Rick could even do the ad campaign!
Yes, I love you, too, Rick. 🙂
PS: Zondervan, please don’t take me off your mailing list.