I’m giving away three copies of the book Plan B.

BUT… just to be perfectly clear… I want you to know that I’m NOT giving away this “plan B”…

OR this “plan B”…

(This one is trying too hard to be “plan A.”)

OR ANY OF THESE “plan Bs”…


(But this one is good. Just saying.)

(This one looks like it will need a plan C.)


But you probably knew that already… 🙂

I’m giving away 3 copies! And there are FOUR ways to enter…

1) Leave a comment here…

2) Leave a second comment here if you Tweet this giveaway

3) Leave a third comment here if you mention this giveaway on Facebook

4) And if you really want to win… you can leave a FOURTH comment here if you go and leave a comment on PETE’S BLOG! (<-Any post… just tell him hello!)

I love this book. And I love Pete. Good luck!

And if you already own the book, please help me spread the word about the giveaway! Thanks!

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