A few weeks ago, I learned that my book Hear No Evil: My Story of Innocence, Music, and the Holy Ghost was nominated for an INSPY Award in the “Creative Non-Fiction” category. (Click here to learn about INSPY Awards.)

I must admit, getting nominated did make me smile. I was even tempted to become a little prideful about being nominated. But I resisted. Okay, so I was a wee-bit prideful for like an forty-five minutes. Condemn me. 🙂

But seriously, I am honored to be among the five finalists. So to the panel of judges who read Hear No Evil and then voted for it to be nominated… thank you. The announcement brought a smile to my face and caused me to sin for almost an hour.

AND too… my friend Rachel Held Evans (<-Read her blog–one of my favorites!) was nominated in the same category for her book Evolving in Monkey Town: How a Girl Who Knew All the Answers Learned to Ask the Questions! I LOVE Rachel’s book–HER FIRST, I might add–so it’s cool to see friends being recognized for their talents. Kudos to Rachel.

Other nominees in our category include:

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller

Halfway to Each Other by Susan Pohlman

God Hides in Plain Sight by Dean Nelson

Winners and non-winners (or losers) will be announced on December 13th.

To check out all of the categories and nominations, click here.

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