I read this story on Reddit.com.

After finding this book on my doorstep, I looked up to see that everyone on my floor had one on their doorstep as well. After taking a walk, I saw them on EVERY SINGLE DOORSTEP in the complex…

…I have read this book cover to cover and it is entirely devoted to people dying in the most brutal ways because they would not denounce their religion. Their actions are praised as admirable and are presented as an example of how Christians should be proud to die for their beliefs.

I am enraged.

What can I do? The complex has clearly posted that no solicitation is allowed; however, I’m not sure if this falls in that category. Aside from the fact that I am not at all religious, I don’t think that the (majority of) other tenants take kindly to a book about people being brutally slain. Ironically, it’s Sunday and the offices are closed, so I am intending to call tomorrow. Is there anything else that can be done? Or is this completely up to the complex? There is a parent company of the complex I could contact, but I’m not sure if that would be very effective.

Thanks for any advice you can provide!

This reminds me of the time I shoved Anti-Halloween Jesus tracts in my neighbors’ mailboxes. I was 5-years old. Two days later my dad got a phone call from the post office. And I got in trouble.

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