This post is from My Daddy Blog.

Dear Adelyne,

Your momma and I saw you this morning. We saw you once before, but you were moody and not being cooperative for the camera (which is something you’ll have to get over fast… your mother scrapbooks)…

But today we saw you. And you are beautiful. Perfect even.

We haven’t figured out a middle name for you yet. But we think it’s a toss up between Adelyne Elise or Adelyne Joy and we considered Adelyne Olivia (But there are sooooo many kids named “Olivia” right now…). Hopefully, we’ll make a decision before you arrive.

I’m writing today to tell you how lucky/blessed you are. You don’t know this yet, but you’re very lucky/blessed. Not because I’m your Daddy–though I am pretty darn awesome at times–but you’re truly luck/blessed because of your Mommy. Seriously, you have the IDEAL Mommy.

And guess what?! Your Mommy has been thinking about you since she was a little girl. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s true. Since the day I met her, your Mommy’s face shines just thinking about having a little baby girl. Whenever she daydreamed about being a mother, in her dreams she always pictured a little girl–I believe she pictured you. You see, it almost seems as though your momma was hand carved by God to raise a little girl. She loves all of the things that boys/men hate and girls love (most of them anyway)–ruffles (unless they’re Ruffles potato chips), frilly dresses, the color pink and saturated purple, cards and colored paper, expensive soaps that smell like fruit smoothies, and chick flicks starring Ashton Kutcher or Matthew McConaughey. So you have it made when it comes to scoring a great Momma, sweet Adelyne. She’s amazing! And you are going to love her so much. You might have a few moments when her attention to detail drives you insane, but eventually (perhaps with some prayer) you will learn to appreciate the heart and passion behind your Momma’s unnecessary organization.

Because your Momma has the most beautiful heart and the most passionate soul–you’d be lucky/blessed/smart to take after her in that department.

And Adelyne, she’s just so excited.

I wish you could have seen her face when she heard the technician say that you were indeed a girl. She smiled big and then immediately started crying. Of course, she did the same thing when we learned that Elias, your brother–he’s AWESOME, too–was going to be a boy (but for completely different reasons!)….

Your momma and I can’t wait to meet you. Hold you. Hug you. Kiss you. Your brother acts excited, too. That might change in the beginning. But he’ll warm up to you.

So take care of yourself. Don’t make your Momma throw up anymore! But eat and grow and know that we’re on the other side of the birth canal waiting for you.

We love you sweet baby girl.

Love, Daddy (and Mommy and Elias)

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