I’m giving away three copies of the book Plan B. BUT… just to be perfectly clear… I want you to know that I’m NOT giving away this “plan B”… OR this “plan B”… (This one is trying too hard to be “plan A.”) OR ANY OF THESE “plan Bs”… (Peekaboo.) (But this one is good.…

Since Jason Boyett and I are good friends, I thought it would be more meaningful to my blog readers if somebody other than myself reviewed his latest book O Me of Little Faith. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVED Jason’s book! But he and I always slobber all over each others’ books… So in hopes…

I like you, Zondervan. I usually like you a lot. But the Chunky Bible? WTF?! CHUNKY?! Really? Again, I like you. In some cases, I love you. Lots of my friends have publishing deals with you. Heck, God has had several publishing deals with you. But this was not his idea. So don’t blame him.…

As a teenager, Michael W. Smith pissed me off. I didn’t stay pissed. I was far too much of a fan to hold a grudge. If my desire to become the Michael Jackson of Christian music didn’t pan out, I would have totally settled for becoming the Michael W. Smith of Christian music. But when…

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