Jesus Needs New PR

Found at The American Jesus.

Maybe I should publish The Matthew Paul Turner Bible…. it could be scripture with punch lines! Found at Christian Nightmares.

Well, sort of. Yes, there are Christian musicians in New England. But not many… and I don’t know if I’m a Christian musician necessarily. But I am definitely a Christian and a musician… if that makes sense. My name is John Emery, and I’m a singer/songwriter that grew up in a small town north of…

Wow… it’s weirder in Spanish… Found at Everything is Terrible…

I can’t wait for people to make obvious remarks regarding the obvious missing pieces to this obviously incomplete history of the church… Found at American Jesus…

Released in July, the book is relatively new… Here’s the book’s description: With My Rifle by My Side is a story written for young children to encourage an appreciation and respect for appropriate firearm use. It is a charming children s story written in verse that reclaims American values through the perspective of a young…

Dear Romeo, I doubt you remember me. We met seven months ago when I was in the Dominican Republic with World Vision. I came to your home and we chatted on your shack’s front porch for nearly an hour. I didn’t say much. Mostly I just listened to you talk about the hell you and…

Found at Christian Nightmares.

I have no idea if this guy is serious or trying to be funny… Either way, it’s not all that funny…. Found at Jesus or Squirrel…

Thank you, Omar, for sending this in!

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