Jesus Needs New PR

A friend on Facebook sent me this photo… The friend wrote… So, we invite our Children’s Director on vacation to Mexico with us and THIS is the view we get for two whole days! Thank You Matthew Paul Turner. Thank You.

01-05-11 GI News from Generals International on Vimeo. Crazy Cindy has been getting phone calls from some of her stormtroopers have been asking her about the death of thousands of birds and fish in Arkansas, etc… Cindy had an answer for them, too… she had several answers… According to biblical principles, marriage is between a…

And I guess they ran out of “Ts”… But no worries! They had a couple extra “Ls”–turn those babies upside down and put them next to each and you got a mighty fine “T”… Pictures taken and sent to me by THIS guy…

I posted this last year. But I saw that Christian Nightmares had posted it and I was once again reminded how AMAZING it is… So great…

Jesus Is Everywhere – watch more funny videos

Meet the lovely Ms. Ann Voskamp… She’s a wife. She’s a mother of six adorable children. She lives on a 600(?) acre farm with several thousand pigs. Oh, and she just so happens to be a brilliant photographer and a fantastic writer… Ten months ago, my wife, Jessica, and I had the following conversation… Jessica…

Why? Why does somebody record a six minute video with this effect? Sure, it’s ‘neat’ for maybe 3 seconds. But after that it becomes strange. And then it gets downright creepy if you happen to cover your mouth as you cough or sneeze (he coughs at 5:07…) He seems like a nice man with a…

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