Jesus Needs New PR

Chapped lips? Moisturize them with words from the Apostle Paul. Thank you Kerry-Anne…

Don’t you love the word “lest”? Just a little bit? It’s so judgmental sounding without actually being judgmental…

For more details about Captain Salvation, click here. Found at Christian Nightmares

The “content” in the above video is real. The virgin bears are not. I found this video at Unreasonable Faith. Sadly, I’ve heard at least sixty percent of this talk before. For my next book, I write a story about the time I went on a Christian Singles Retreat and the speaker used a Blowpop…

Wrestling For Jesus Trailer from Nathan Clarke on Vimeo. Found at The American Jesus

Found at Christian Nightmares!

My friend, Juliane, promises this is real!

Are angels now falling from the sky? Or seagulls maybe? Praise Yeshua! Do you believe these are real angel feathers?! LRA, you don’t have to answer that question… 🙂 Thank you, Josh, for sending this to me.

Hope this inspires you today. It inspired me. Thank you Jeremy Cowart

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