Jesus Needs New PR

Uh… that’s what she said? Or he said? I bet the Apostle Peter is turning over at his Pearly Gate post. Sent to me by @danielradosh

“There are so many homosexuals, both active and celibate, at all levels of clergy and Church hierarchy that the church would never be able to function if they were really to exclude all of them from ministry.” – Father Alberto Cutie (his real name), in his new book which slams the Catholic Church as misogynistic…

Found at Christian Nightmares.

And it’s a decent interview… But surprise surprise… Kirk doesn’t know why the birds fell out of the sky.

Hilarious. Weird.

Morality is screwed. Businesses are screwed. Families are screwed. Yeah, pretty much everything is screwed. Well, except 700 Club, CBN, and Regent University–all of that will prosper!! I’m serious. Two questions: How many times does somebody have to be wrong before they stop making predictions? And… How is what Pat does here in this video…

Congratulations to Rebecca St. James and fiance Jacob Fink… According to Jesus Freak Hideout… St. James will wed the man she’s been waiting for – Jacob Fink — on a date soon to be announced. The Christmas Day proposal came at Rebecca’s family farm in Franklin, Tennessee where she was presented the brilliant, solitaire diamond…

Oh the power of a comma, huh? I think I would have liked this sign better without the comma. That would have presented a new take on “love your enemies…” 🙂

The following post is from My Daddy Blog. Jessica and I don’t spank Elias. And that was a big deal for me. Raised Baptist, “spanking up” a kid in the way he/she should go was the only way to properly raise a child. Spanking was as Christian as potlucks and believing in the Trinity. To…

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