Jesus Needs New PR

I don’t know where Christian Nightmares finds this stuff, but kudos to him/her. He/she is a master. This is old… at least, I hope it is… because all of his pop songs are old… but really… “pussing AIDS dude”? Ridiculous.

Basically. Eat dirt. And basically… eat paper! That’s it… basically. Oh basically, there’s one thing… basically run for your life because you’re S.O.L…. have fun basically. Thank you kccomputerdoctor… Found at Christian Nightmares

Meet the creators of Captain America Salvation, the superhero who gets his strength from God! According to the Charlotte Observer… A fire rages out of control in a town called Graceville. From within the engulfed building, a voice is heard: “Lord, help me! Please, God!” The cry is from Bella Hope, an orphan who is…

Found here. Thanks Jay.

Because she thinks there’s complete and utter destruction is coming in May! And she doesn’t think she’ll be around for the celebration and calamity. Read the Washington Post story here. From Christian Nightmare.

This is a short but great clip about Katy Perry’s early love for music from her E! True Hollywood story.

You can purchase your very own Jesus pen here.

This seems very insensitive to me, especially when I consider all of the people who haven’t been cured of cancer by Jesus. I do believe Jesus can heal. But the how, when, who, and what is confusing and frustrating to me. Maybe I’m over thinking this. But something feels icky about this… Found on Twitter…

Atlantic Wire blogs about speculation that Kentucky’s Creation Museum’s ‘Ark Encounter’ might feature unicorns and dragons. And it’s possible… according to the Ark’s official Q&A site, it does seem plausible… Being land animals, dinosaurs (or dragons of the land) were created on Day Six (Genesis 1:24–31), went aboard Noah’s Ark (Genesis 6:20), and then came…

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