Jesus Needs New PR

Wow. Wonder how much a prayerjob costs. But seriously, this is awful… And rumor has it… this business is closed.

I was home for a few days over the Christmas holiday. While searching through dusty boxes of old memories amid report cards, old worn out Bibles, and school pictures I found this index card. This card represents just one of the many promises I made to God as a child. As a church, we were…

Found at Dangerous Minds.

This post is written by my friend Aaron Reddin. Let me say this: 2009 thoroughly sucked.  And when I say it sucked… I mean… Well, it just sucked, OK? There were some really amazing things that took place, but their glory seemed to have been robbed by the actions of others as well as other…

According to Juliane, a reader of this blog, this beautiful sign is on display in Alabama along I-65. And look! The Devil’s tool for “getting you” is sporting quite the curve.

Pat Robertson’s smoking the wacky weed again. This time he’s speaking out about the recent blizzard that hit the Northeast over the holiday weekend… Wanna know why Pat thinks God sent the blizzard? Because of GAY PEOPLE! Yes, gay people. According to Pat, God can’t stand the gay people. And of course God knew that…

Not sure it’s really a “Christian t-shirt,” but I think it wants to be. You know… it’s definitely searching… asking all the right questions… And I’m just going to love it into the fold…

Found at The American Jesus

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