Jesus Needs New PR

A ten-year-old boy “sings” techno Mary Did You Know… Christmas Christan Nightmares.

I don’t know if this band is real or not. Found here. And sent to me by Kevin. See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.

Oh wait; that’s Carmen Electra. My bad. But seriously, that is one of the cutest little white babies ever. Sent to me by @nmaestas

Or close… but wow. I NEVER thought I’d hear these words come out of Pat’s mouth… We’re locking up people that have taken a couple puffs of marijuana and next thing you know they’ve got 10 years with mandatory sentences,” Robertson continued. “These judges just say, they throw up their hands and say nothing we…

Satan is attacking Pastor Rod’s ministry and they need more money to fight back. Is it just me or are proclamations like this just a worship of evil? We give far more credit to “Satan” and evil than we do to God. And according to a lot of Christians… “Satan” works a lot harder than…

Regardless of your religion or non-religion, you should be able to find a good bit of truth in this short clip. It’s not a perfect analogy, but it’s telling nonetheless. I’ve been told that everybody worships something. From Dangerous Minds ***The video contains a couple incidents of language that might be offensive to some, so…

Thank you, Jeff, for snapping the picture. counts down the top 10 most uncool ads featuring Jesus… Sent to me by Nate.

There’s so much to say about 2010; the whos, the whats, the shenanigans So let’s look back one more time and remember the year in “Dr. Seuss” rhyme We all felt the earthquake in Porta au Prince, and then dear old Pat Robertson made us all wince By declaring poor Haiti had made a pact…

Over the next few days I’ll be reposting a handful of my favorite posts from 2010. I wrote this one late one night (maybe morning…) while I was in Uganda. It was MLK day… and the rest is explained in the post… I hope you enjoy…. In Uganda, it’s just after midnight, and therefore, Martin…

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