Jesus Needs New PR

Found at Christian Nightmares.

The Christian group’s name is Repent Amarillo. You can Google them. I wonder if my friend Jason Boyett is a member? He lives in Amarillo. (KIDDING: He’s not a member. I promise.) Found at

Found at Christian Nightmare

Gotta love kids.

Though I must say, the survey question (or fill-in-the-blank) is sort of odd… I mean… if somebody asked me to finish this sentence: Christmas is a time to… I’m not sure I’d say “Jesus,” mainly because “Christmas is a time to Jesus” makes no sense… Are you going Jesusing this Saturday? …probably not. Via.

After I found this picture of Jesus, I saw the following video on Stuff Fundies Like… When I was a kid, somebody sang this song EVERY Christmas… because celebrating the birth of Christ was not complete without celebrating the fact that he was destined to die! And die for us!! Often we missed the true…

My friend Jennifer co-wrote this book: Unshaken: Rising from the Ruins of Haiti’s Hotel Montana. And I’m so proud of her. Why? Because the New York Post reviewed the book! And the review is glowing! The reviewer wrote… In Haiti on a mission for the nonprofit Christian children’s aid group Compassion, Colorado resident Woolley was…

This is awesome.

BECAUSE… …if you rearrange the letters in the word “SANTA”… you get… the name of this guy or angel… a really really really bad angel… like the worst angel EVER… SATAN!!!!!!! Satan… OMG! or AOG!!!! AAAA! OOHHH! GEEE! Yeah… because Santa is an anagram with Satan… both are REALLY REALLY REALLY bad angels… Which means……

Sent to me by Glen.

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