Jesus Needs New PR

I wrote about Doug Giles here. Doug is the guy who wants his church to come with testicles. Since writing that article, it’s come to my attention that Doug has his own online TV show (I thought it was just radio…) But then I was sent this video below… Via BUT… before you push “play,”…

I’ve never heard 513FREE’s music. But I did find the band’s brainstorming notes from one of their official band meetings. From what I can tell… this one happened on 12-9-2010. The funniest meeting “minute” is the thread about Chris Tomlin. And my favorite note: Bro Trip to IKEA… (or perhaps that’s when the band meeting…

I’d never heard of Doug Giles before. Which I think is a good thing. The creator and host probably wouldn’t like me much. He’d probably shoot me. But anyway, I found one of his columns over at Christian Nightmares and so I thought I’d introduce you to this gem of a human. I think…

Thank you Christy!

Here’s the link to the OTHER one… Do you like one better than the other?

Matthew Paul Turner-On Questions from Cross Point Church on Vimeo. Some of you have seen this… I posted this video a year or so ago. But lately I received a lot of comments and email inquiries about it, so I thought I’d post it again. I wrote the script. And my friend Matt Singleton at…

You have to watch to the 2:34 mark… Uh… I don’t know what to say. Found at Christian Nightmares..

On her new Christmas album, Annie Lennox sings the haunting and spiritual carol “In the Bleak Midwinter.” I’ve loved that Christmas/Holiday/Wintry song since I was a teenager. The first time I heard it was when Christian singer Twila Paris recorded it for her Christmas album. This is one of those songs that has a melody…

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Jesus Is a Liberal Democrat Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> March to Keep Fear Alive So awesome and funny! But a lot of truth, too… Thank you Kristin!

(Use discretion watching the above trailer… ) According to the New York Times… Satan Hates You is “best appreciated drunk or otherwise impaired…” NYT goes on to say that… “Satan Hates You” is the kind of horror movie that appears to have been shot in someone’s basement using a box of old Halloween costumes. Yet…

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