Jesus Needs New PR

How many churches will be showing this video in church on Sunday?

PUZZLE CLUB CHRISTMAS from Everything Is Terrible! on Vimeo. Via

God vs. No God is fighting for placement in Ft. Worth. Or something like that. Ft. Worth Christians are pissed because Ft. Worth atheists bought some ad space on four buses. FOUR buses. Some ministers have even called for a boycott of the buses. Poor buses. They can’t help what gets put on them. Anyway……

“THIS book” would be my book Churched. And that advice comes from an reviewer… Mamastiks writes… Don’t buy this book. Don’t buy this book. Don’t buy this book. Very sacrilegious and a gross exaggeration of what “goes on” in a fundamentalist church. I grew up in a very strict, conservative, fundamentalist church, and my…

Eric died in a plane accident in 2006. Shortly before he died he had a dream that led him to get up out of bed and record these video messages to his family… The rest of the videos are here. (Via)

Put the USA back into Merry USAmas! Christmas! From the same people who brought us THIS crappy holiday junk. But my gosh, a red, white, and blue Christmas tree? Wow. Check out Boss Creations Facebook page. Thank you Omar for the heads up!

Damn camel. 🙂 Thankfully, nobody was hurt. So it’s okay to laugh… (Found.)

… Lurch and state (of Alaska). Palin joins Graham in Haiti. Found at Christian Nightmares.

Now grow up and die for our sins already, Jesus. Sheesh. What’s taking you so long? And put these thorns around your head. Do it. Now.

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