Jesus Needs New PR

This video of Evangelist Jason Westerfield is chock full of little nuggets of “Christian” wisdom. At the almost 2-minute mark, he tells a story about a woman getting healed from AIDS right over the phone! Sigh… Found at Christian Nightmares.

Found at Christian Nightmare.

Found at Joe.My.Blog.

…you have to celebrate it with Pastor Ed Young Jr. As you probably know, Ed Young is always looking for ways to creatively talk to Good Morning America tell the story of God. And this Christmas is no exception. In fact, the Dallas mega-pastor is promising his church members a Christmas like they’ve never seen…

Sent to me by Josh.

So many thoughts… 1) Why? 2) Did somebody punch Hip Hop Harriet in the mouth? 3) Her lips are moving 4) This can’t be new, right? 5) Why? Sent to me by Amber!

Sent to me by Roger!

Bless his heart.

I’m sure Henrietta and Merna are good people… but I’m pretty sure the mountain wants them to shut up. Sent to me by Alise!

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