Jesus Needs New PR

If you ask any of us what we need most this holiday season, I can almost guarantee that most of us would say, “time.” We need time to shop, time to clean, time to cook, time to think, time to make, time to waste, time to wrap, time to deck, time to work, time to…

Wow. It’s well-made “wow.” But still wow.

I would definitely not let any of these Christians bite me… that’s for sure… Found at Christian Nightmares.

I love this woman’s voice.

According to the chaste peeps at, they know the art of Christian social dynamics! That’s awesome news, huh? Because being dynamic in Christian social circles is really hard sometimes and can be awkward, too! You know what I’m talking about, right? But have no fear! Why? Because Greg D is here (<-he’s the guy…

I’m not exactly what “this” is… but we should never do it… Found at Christian Nightmares.

He seems like a gracious and kind man. I love when he talks about the letters he receives–quite sad, real, and heartfelt. Found at Unreasonable Faith.

This is disturbing on so many levels. Then again, I don’t know how real it is either… But if it is… wow. Found at Dangerous Minds.

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