Jesus Needs New PR

Last week Seattle’s self-proclaimed BEST PASTOR EVER declared on Facebook that he went to see Jay-Z while in New York City and he was currently listening to Jay-Z music. The update was pretty simple… It’s a Jay-Z soundtrack kind of day. Watched his NY show this weekend – I know he says bowling words but…

Once in awhile a reader will send me an email that stands out from the others. Hard to explain. It’s not that it’s better than the other letters I receive; there’s just something special about it… I think you’ll agree that this one from D is that kind of email… Mr. Turner,  I am a…

More bull…. shit… from Pastor Steven Anderson. Found at Christian Nightmares.

uh… I find notes around the house… like this one I found this morning in one of the kitchen cabinets… Sweet, huh? But I can’t wait for her to return tomorrow night.

First, there was THIS church mural… And then my friend John Emery sent me the one above… That poor little lamb looks anything but peaceful. And the Christmas wreath makes it that much more awesome…

Was this song in the Lion King? Sent to me by Brian!

I’ve been working hard on this… here’s a sample of Churched-the Audio Book… It’s not a final edit… still tweaking it some.. But if you like… please pass it along and tell people… When the audio book launches in the next couple weeks… it will be a free download for a couple of weeks… (And…

Do it doggy style? W. T. F? And yes… THIS IS REAL. It’s from a church in Maryland. Found here. Thank you Marshall.

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