Jesus Needs New PR

I promise not to make a habit of posting this crazy man’s videos… but this one is just too good not to post… It had me in… buh bUH BUHHHH…. stitches. Enjoy. Sent to me by Jimmy.

But yes… still sort of amazing…

It’s building an Ark! An Ark! An Ark! (Sing with me!) The Lord said to Kentucky, you’re gonna build an Arky Arky… Never mind. Anyway… yes, it’s true. According to the governor of Kentucky, plans are set for the Commonwealth to build an Ark! The press release went out today… Governor Steve Beshear today joined…

Great interview! Sent to me about my friend Jennifer.

Everybody knows how much I love love love Amy! And Michael is a good piano player. But the design of this poster is awful. (In my opinion.) And yes, I know what the designer is trying to do. He/she was trying to go old school by combining elements of this design… with elements of this…

Two songs. One original. One hymn. For free. The Civil Wars are AMAZING…

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