Jesus Needs New PR

William Tapley is crazy. In the first few moments of this video, you will learn… World War III started on November 23, 2010 The number “23” is EVIL. William has been looking for evil numbers. The number 11 is homosexual. (But does it have a lisp? That’s what I want to know.) And 2/3rds equals…

Sent to me by Adam Ellis.

Somebody sent this to me, but I’ve lost the name. So if you sent this to, please let me know….


Found here.

My favorite part… “I got to thinking about this and it’s the only time in the King James Bible that you will ever find the word addict, addicted, or addiction…” Of course, he says the word addict like “a dick…” which is sort of fitting… And of course, since it’s the King James Bible, that…


This is so sad and sick… Michael Brea, an actor who had roles on “Ugly Betty” and “Step-Up 3-D,” was arrested in Brooklyn, New York early Tuesday, after police say he “held his mother hostage and then murdered her with a samurai sword while screaming Bible passages.” I have no words. My thoughts and prayers…

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