Jesus Needs New PR

Uh…. I know for a fact that this isn’t a fake sign… why? Because my friend actually TOOK the picture… But that’s all I know… maybe a prank, maybe not… you can judge for yourself…

…turban. Apparently turban size matters to some people. According to the blog Dangerous Minds where I found this monstrosity, the guy in the picture is Baba Major Singh. And he’s known for having the world’s largest dumalla (warrior turban). The turban is made of 1300 feet of fabric. Baba is a Nihang Sikh, an order…

While this video was made specifically for law enforcement personnel, I thought I’d post it just in case you were to ever find a dead body and were curious if the dead person loved Satan or if he or she was killed by somebody who loved Satan… Found at Christian Nightmares. ###### AND PLEASE CONSIDER….…

Did he win? Sort of misses the point if he lost… ###### CLICK HERE TO GIFT A GOAT!

The following post is written by my friend and fellow writer Kevin D. Hendricks. I asked Matthew to help promote my new book and he threw it back to me, asking me to write a guest post. So here I am, guest posting on Jesus Needs New PR. I feel a bit like I shouldn’t…

Very nice.

My favorite lyric… “Hey girls. What’s up? Wanna sip from this cup? One sip. Get ripped. This world’s really got its grip.” Found at Christian Nightmare…

Not the Romans… Not the Jews… Not the Calvinists… No, it was vampires! Yes, vampires… And you can read all about it in 33 A.D. According to the book’s description… Jerusalem, 33 A.D. The vampires of the era have long sought to gain a foothold into Israel, but the faith of the local Jewish population…

“Goat Week” continues! Watch the above World Vision-produced video to see firsthand what GOATS do for a family and village in Zambie! And then prayerfully (

Love this. It’s perfectly “Annie”! Powerful. Unique. Slightly weird. But still wonderful. #### GIFT A GOAT!

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