Jesus Needs New PR

For the story regarding this t-shirt, click here. Found at Christian Nightmare. ##### It’s Gift A Goat week all week long… to help a needy family by purchasing them a goat, click here! (Spread the word…)

Hot. Would love to know the context of this picture. ###### CLICK HERE TO GIFT A GOAT!

As a child, I loved goats. Odd, I know, but it’s true; I had a strange fascination with goats. They were cute. They had floppy ears. And I wanted a herd of them in my family’s backyard. But my father refused to even consider buying me a goat. “Goats are big pain in the butt,…

Maybe we should invest in gold after all. Sent to me by Josh!

Sent to me by @JeremiahVik (Photo taken by his wife @DebiLayne!)

Can anybody prove this sign is real? 🙂

Found at The American Jesus!

That is just a portion of the chart that famous atheist Sam Harris commissioned to be created for his nonprofit foundation Project Reason. The whole chart looks like this… You can learn more about the chart here. OR, if you want, you can download the chart as a PDF. (via.) Some of the contradictions are…

Today’s post is written by author Joel Heng Hartse. Hope you enjoy Joel’s piece and then go buy his book. A few months ago, I got a message from a friend about a new  book she thought I would be interested in. But when I clicked on the link, instead of “cool” or “interesting,”…

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