Jesus Needs New PR

Randy Roberts Potts–you know, the grandson of Oral Roberts who made the “It Gets Better” video–wrote a wonderful thoughtful piece for the Washington Post and so I thought I would share it… There is a story in the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 2, about a little old man who wanted to be healed. He couldn’t…

“I think [Christians] are called to candor, to being honest about our own confusion.” This line, delivered off the cuff by author David Dark (The Sacredness of Questioning Everything) in a poorly lit interview with some no-name Toronto journalist, sent me to the floor. Sometimes the line that you need just reaches out of a…

JUST IN CASE YOU DON’T RECOGNIZE THEM… The three creatures include Lenin, Mickey Mouse, and Jesus… Found at Christian Nightmares…

Picture taken and sent to me by Richy.

Ed Young’s Tithing “Long Bomb” from FBCJax Watchdog on Vimeo. To be clear, I’m not against tithing. Whether to a church or ministry, offering tithe and offerings to something you believe in is a good thing. But Pastor Ed’s tactics for “bringing in the tithe” (as well as his spending habits) are, in my opinion,…

Found here.

I kid. 🙂

Ed Young Goes After Access to Bank Accounts of Church Members from FBCJax Watchdog on Vimeo. Ed Young is just obnoxious. Found.

Found at Christian Nightmare.

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