Jesus Needs New PR

Wow. This video is so sad and compelling and beautiful. And I hope millions of people see it. And that those who see it help make it better… (It’s a bit long, but so worth it.) Sent to me by Matt.

This gave me a headache. Found at Christian Nightmares.

I thought Jon Stewart’s speech at his Rally to Restore Sanity was great and really focused on topics and themes that most people, regardless of party affiliation, can relate to on some level. If you haven’t heard it, check it out and let me know your thoughts… Here are some of my favorite signs from…

May your Halloween be happy… and Satanless.

Photo by Kelsey.

Orgasm Anointing happens at .47… Oh oh oh my gosh… Found at Christian Nightmares.

ESCAPE FROM HELL from EIT! on Vimeo. Found at Everything is Terrible.

And kudos to my wife, Jessica, for making the costume!

Sent to me by Dan Portnoy.

It’s My Princess Bible! And by the looks of the cover, the ‘Princess Bible’ includes the amazing Biblical stories of (from left to right) Gloria Estefan, Miley Cyrus, some ethnic woman, Jennifer Lopez, and Kate Winslet (or She-Ra–hard to tell). Praise the Lord. Thank you, Lindsay, for sending this in…

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