Jesus Needs New PR

Found at Christian Nightmare.

BUY HERE. A portion of every sale will go to support World Vision. (More products to come.)

Found at Stuff Fundies Like.

This is hilarious… Sent to me by Jay Caruso. (Check out Jay’s photography blog.)

Found at Dangerous Minds.

Yep, watch the video above and learn how to convert an atheist to an agnostic. It’s really easy; you just have to draw a few circles. (I could do that.) Who knew it was so easy? Of course, couldn’t atheists use the same strategy on Christians to convert them to agnostics, too? Found at Christian…

Okay, so I’m not at all that surprised that the Tea Party actually trains people to give “liberal” books 1-star reviews on Twenty-something male Calvinists are trained to do the same thing whenever Brian McLaren or Rob Bell releases a new book. Found at Unreasonable Faith.

Hmm. A room full of children crying, shaking, and seemingly scared for their lives can mean only one thing: Jesus is there. Or it’s payday at a Walmart factory. Found at Unreasonable Faith.

A few weeks ago, I learned that my book Hear No Evil: My Story of Innocence, Music, and the Holy Ghost was nominated for an INSPY Award in the “Creative Non-Fiction” category. (Click here to learn about INSPY Awards.) I must admit, getting nominated did make me smile. I was even tempted to become a…

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