Jesus Needs New PR

Amazing. And sad. But speaks volumes… Your thoughts?

Taylor Swift’s Speak Now new record releases tomorrow. It’s expected to be the biggest release this year. Some say it might sell Platinum (1 million) in its first week. If anybody can do it, Taylor probably can. I’ve heard most of the record and I must say it’s pretty amazing. At times, I have a…

Oh dear. Found at Christian Nightmare.

I can do a sit-up. I can sometimes do a pull-up. But a “Praise-up”? I don’t think I could ever do one of those… But apparently this guy is famous. I’ve never seen him before. Have you? Special thanks to Margaret for sending this to me…

Sent to me by Andrew the Poet.

To read my wife’s post about it, click here. Needless to say, we both are really excited.

Wow. The pastor of my old childhood church must have seen this movie because he told us this EXACT story several times during his sermons. Crazy… Found at Dangerous Minds.

(The real Donald Miller was not hurt during the writing of this blog post. I love Donald Miller. I love him–even though he blocked me on Twitter–I LOVE HIM! Seriously, I do.) HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

I love the subtlety and grace of Brooke Fraser’s songwriting. Thoughts?


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