Jesus Needs New PR

Wow. It’s starts off as a church drama and then ends up being an advertisement for the pastor’s book…

From the same people who brought us A LOVE LETTER FROM GOD comes a brand new song begging Sarah Palin to run for president in 2012… I think the “alien” voice is fitting, don’t you? Found at Adam Whitley’s blog…

Well, there (or HERE) you have it, friends… Homer is Catholic. And it’s official. For the Vatican tells me so. The newspaper acknowledged that Homer snores through the sermons of the Reverend Lovejoy and inflicts “never-ending humiliation” on his evangelical neighbour, Ned Flanders. But in an article headlined “Homer and Bart are Catholics”, the newspaper…

A couple weeks ago I wrote about Elias’s journey through the “Terrible Twos.” Well, he’s still two. And he’s still, on occasion–though I hate saying this word as it relates to my son–terrible. But it’s true. Twice, I’ve thought about sending him to live amongst a herd of pigs. But I love him too much…

Wow. Though I hate political ads like this one, I soooooo want to know the whole story behind “Aqua Buddha”! Is it November 3rd yet? Can we pretend? Found at Dangerous Minds!

Found at Stuff Fundies Like.

It wasn’t easy.

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