Jesus Needs New PR

Yikes. I’m pretty sure this would frighten elves. Will you be celebrating Jesus’s birth with The Newsboys?!

One (maybe the only) reason to have watched “Dancing With the Stars”… I love Florence and that machine of hers. Wow.

A very weird picture in my opinion. What’s the theology of this picture? Anybody have an idea?

God’s “voice” shows up toward the middle. (But between you and me, I’m not sure it’s his. It sounds a bit too shaky.) Thoughts? Adam sent this video to me. Check out his take on it here.

Found at Christian Nightmares.

Fiona Apple. Talking about creativity. Being creative. Creating. How it makes her feel good. Why it’s important. And a few other things. I love her passion and the way she describes things. Thoughts?

A. W. E. S. O. M. E. Wish there was an “i” in awesome; I so feel like dotting something. So… will there be cheerleaders in heaven? Found at Christian Nightmares.

Sent to me by @ericpazdziora.

Bless her heart. And what the pastor does is priceless too… Found at American Jesus.

“Who Am I Living For” by Katy Perry I can feel a phoenix inside of me As I march alone to a different beat Slowly swallowing down my fear, yeah yeah I am ready for the road less traveled Suiting up for my crowning battle This test is my own cross to bear But I…

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