Jesus Needs New PR

Chances are though, for some students–maybe just a couple–it won’t be their first. Found at Christian Nightmare.

Found at Christian Nightmares.

Yay. A fat PeeWee Herman is doing a conference–WHOA–in Alabama about Jesus. You wanna go? WEEEEEEEEEEEEE You sure? Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. We could go together…. Whoa, I mean, wow. Found at Christian Nightmares.

This is classic. Who knew? Peanut butter (with all of its scientifically manufactured preservatives) disproves evolution… Awesome. Stupid evolutionists. 🙂 Found at American Jesus.

That’s the rumor. Or actually truth according to the UK’s Guardian. According to the Guardian… Insane Clown Posse have this entire time secretly been evangelical Christians. They’ve only been pretending to be brutal and sadistic to trick their fans into believing in God. They released a song, Thy Unveiling, that spelt out the revelation beyond all doubt:Fuck…

Yoga comes from demons? That’s what Mark Driscoll says. And between you and me, I bet he’d actually know. Should Christians stay away from yoga because of its demonic roots? Totally. Yoga is demonic. If you just sign up for a little yoga class, you’re signing up for a little demon class. (SOURCE) But I’m…

A church in Tulsa called “The Guts” (yes, the Guts) is currently featuring it’s annual Christian outreach called NIGHTMARE. Here’s the link to the promo…. But what was disheartening for me was watching the YouTube clips of those who experienced Nightmare. Like this one… Did you catch the part where the boy talks about it…

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