Jesus Needs New PR

Loved the first Narnia movie. The second movie was only okay. Actually, it was pretty bad. I like what I’m seeing of “3”.

The video above could be a potential **SPOILER** if you haven’t watched the fourth season of Dexter. I love this show for scenes such as this one… There’s so much psychology involved. Dexter processes all that is around him through the light of his own experiences and his own demons. And I can relate. No,…

My friend Jason Boyett invited me to write about “doubt” for his blog series on the topic. I was honored. I hope you enjoy… Okay, so my name is Matthew and I’m a doubter. (Shall we drink to that?) The truth is, sometimes I think this whole “Christianity” thing feels like a bad fairytale, like…

Most of us have a bullying story–our story, a friend’s story, a family member’s story… I do. I went to a Christian school that boasted a high school (7th through 12th grade) of 40 students. Some years it was close to 30. Other years it was 42 or 43 students. But it was small. I…

Rick Scarborough of Vision America has written the following letter to pastors! (For those pastors who can’t read, he reads it for you in the video above…). The letter is a pleading to pastors to preach politics from the pulpit. Here’s his letter; my comments are in red. Pastor, (Like my stuffed deer head?) when…

More than 200 “new” species of creatures have been discovered in the lush jungles of New Guinea. And it appears as Satan was among the Scientist’s new finds! Isn’t that a scary looking creature? Like something out of Revelations. It’s actually a bat. And while scientists were aware of that this bat existed, the gargoyle-looking…

The man in these videos is Pace. He works for Pastor Ed Young (You remember Ed, right? Of U.B.U. fame?). A friend tells me he’s Ed’s “right hand man.” And I’m sure there are some days when he’s Ed’s “left-hand man,” too. Which is big job, I’m sure. Probably bigger than I imagine… Well, Fellowship…

It happened overnight. Or it seemed to happen that way. Last Thursday, my two-year-old Elias decided he no longer enjoyed brushing his teeth in the morning. Rather than cooperating with me like he did on Wednesday morning, he screamed “NOOOOOOO!” at me like he had a choice. “Elias,” I said, “We have to go brush…

Introducing… Fuzzy Crosses. And let me tell you… Fuzzy Crosses are awesome. Why are they awesome? Because they are crosses and they are also fuzzy. According to Fuzzy Cross website, Fuzzy Crosses are… The handmade, collectable (sic) Fuzzy Cross comes individually packaged and is available in two sizes: small (2 inches tall), and large (4…

Her new album releases in one week! I can’t wait. 🙂

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