Jesus Needs New PR

There’s probably some context that we’re missing, but honestly, context might make it worse. Found at Christian Nightmares!

This is just wrong. On every level. But then again, it’s theological too. But still wrong. Just like a lot of people’s theology. Your thoughts? Sent to me by Brian.

The Shelter releases today. GO BUY IT! (And no, I didn’t get paid to remind you.)

Well, I for one love all of the gay characters on the TV shows I watch. I like the straight characters, too. I honestly don’t even think about it. Unless I’m supposed to be thinking about it, you know, when it’s a part of the storyline. What do you think the man in the video…

If you can see past the nipple rings and the bruising (possibly from the tattoo–it’s a fresh one)… AND you can read vertical… you can read all about the paycheck for sinning… DEATH! But wait… it doesn’t stop there… Get your buddy to turn over (if he’s chilling on the beach or lying next to…

Let’s Hear it For Bay Shore (Music Video) from Andrew Mason on Vimeo. Found at Church Crunch. And sent to me by Chris.

I don’t have proof that this is a real sign. But it seems real. It doesn’t make enough sense to be fake. Sent to me by Aaron!



The Freedom of Silence… Do you think Glenn Beck is involved in the making of this movie? So… will you go see it… uh…. I mean, order it from a Christian catalog and watch it at home?! Thanks M for sending me this link… (You know who you are…) 🙂

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