Jesus Needs New PR

This is very interesting. It’s a little odd in spots… and compelling in others… but overall I think it’s a provocative concept, one that at least is creative and thought-provoking… What do you think about it? What are your thoughts on modernized biblical stories? Found at Christian Nightmares!

Watch the latest video at It’s his new video for Save Me From Myself… (it’s like 1987 all over again…) Only at FOX411! 🙂 Thoughts? Thanks to Kevin for sending me the link…

Put a cigarette in his hand and this could work as a scene from ‘Mad Men.’ Found at Stuff Fundies Like…

This is a guest post by my friend Chad Gibbs, the author of the very thoughtful and hilarious God and Football. (You can follow him on Twitter here… @chad_gibbs) Last week when I excitedly told my wife that Matthew Paul Turner had asked me to guest post on his blog, she replied, “That’s great. Who…

Well, God may want her to be a senator… But according to three recent polls, Delaware doesn’t want her to be their senator… I guess we’ll see…

Found at Dangerous Minds.

Wow. On one hand this is cute and cuddly. But then there’s a weird factor to it too. So do you think the dog’s owner is single or married? I’m guessing single. And according to him, it’s probably by choice. This guy is sooooo dating Jesus. I mean, come on, he has a praying dog.…

It’s crazy to think that life and culture was once so innocent, so pure, so holy that a preacher named Oral could put this picture on the cover of his magazine with the headline “Get Under the ‘Spout’ Where the Glory Comes Out!” and not think one thing about it? What was it like to…

Okay, so by now you’ve probably heard the news: A lot of Christians are intellectually challenged when it comes to matters of faith. Well, duh. They call that news? Of course, we failed the test. Sheesh. What did people expect? It was administered by liberals!!!!! (i.e… smart people) But seriously, BIG DEAL… so the Pew…

Is this 1990s footage from Z-TV, you know the old (now defunct) Christian version of MTV? Or maybe is it a cry for help? And what’s with that weird tongue-out coughing bit? It’s obvious this guy played guitar in a late-80s rock band. That’s just a guess. (BTW: What does “socially compromised” even mean? Facebook?!)…

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