Jesus Needs New PR

Yesterday my friend Danny’s body was found. Or parts of his body. Four months have passed since he was last seen alive. Swept away by flood waters, Danny’s final moments were spent fighting for his life. Next to his body was a wallet and cellphone. Last night I watched as his sisters and mother held…

This is amazing. Faith at its finest… I hate snakes. I hate snakes. I hate snakes…. Found at Unreasonable Faith (via MSNBC)

Another video…

You first. Thanks to Chris for sending this photo.

God or a full moon… you decide. Found at Christian Nightmares.

Oh my. Found at Unreasonable Faith.

So… when again is it over? Found at Christian Nightmare…

As you can see, Pastor Marc is crazy excited about this year’s book burning. And once again, I’m frustrated… Why? Because books by ME aren’t on Pastor Marc’s list! Well, unless I’m included in the “and many many more…” But I doubt. That’s probably reserved for Anne Jackson. I think we should start a campaign…

What’s not normal about gutting a 41-pound fish and chatting about your sinful nature? 🙂 Found at Stuff Fundies Like.

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