Jesus Needs New PR

Sinead O’Connor says no. What do you think? Found at Dangerous Minds.

I just returned this morning from Milwaukee. Jessica‘s sister, Melissa, was married this weekend. My sister-in-law’s wedding went beautifully. Elias ran down the aisle when he was supposed to… And then three minutes later, he ran right back up the aisle… Melissa looked absolutely beautiful. Dan, Melissa’s husband, handled the day with humor and grace.…

This review of @RachelHeldEvans‘ Evolving in Monkey Town is written by Adam Ellis. The problem with polarized arguments is that both sides end up arguing for something stupid…against something equally stupid…with no way forward.  One of the major problems with Christianity in our day is that, in many ways we have begun to let polarized…

Ms. Mariah set to release a second Christmas record. It’s been 16 years since her last Christmas record. Hard to believe, huh? But gosh, with the magic photoshop, you can’t tell it’s been that long by looking at the cover. So, uh… Merry Christmas…

Found at Unreasonable Faith

I love Dexter. In my opinion, it’s one of the best written shows on TV. And it’s entertaining. And it doesn’t take itself too seriously. This season, Dexter deals with guilt, something I think a lot of us can relate to… Guilt can be a killer… Do you watch Dexter? What are your thoughts about…

This is older, but when I saw it in the spring it wasn’t embedable (that a word?)… Anyway, it’s quite interesting… But I bet she makes a mean potato salad. (Too mean? Sorry…) UPDATE: Oops… those are cymbals. Forgive me. 🙂

Sarah Palin… read the press release here. Does she sing too? Dang. She does everything.


Not sure what they’re possessed by… but these people need healing. Somebody call Dr. Phil. Or Dionne Warwick. Wow. Pentecostals should consider making it a rule to not allow video recording equipment in their church buildings… And here’s part 2… Found at RD.

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