Jesus Needs New PR

Christine O’Donnell’s big Republican win in Delaware shocked a lot of people. She’s conservative. She’s feisty. She loves Jesus. But before becoming a Republican senatorial candidate, Ms. O’Donnell was passionate about something very different: Not masturbating. Watch what she told MTV in 1996. Thoughts? (Found at MSNBC)

Yep, that’s right: America’s Christian Talent is a real contest. And here are a couple of the latest entries… CLICK HERE FOR CINDY’S ENTRY! GO CINDY! She’s UH-Maze-ING. Don’t you think? But wait… she has some big competition coming from The Boogie Woogie Jesus Project… CLICK HERE their entry… So far, there’s only SIX entries……

You’ve probably heard this song (“Love the Way You Lie”) by Eminem (with Rihanna). Warning: The above version is the unedited version, so keep that in mind if there are children around. I’m not a big fan of rap music. Unless it’s being played on Top-Forty, I probably have never heard it. But for some…

Found here.

Not sure what happened at the very beginning of the video, but it clears up in a second or two. Enjoy.

Buy a Jesus Toaster here.

Available at Macy’s? Found here

And by “World,” Newt means America. His movie, going straight to video for the price of $19.95 plus $4 shipping & handling, is called America at Risk. My favorite part of the trailer is watching Newt’s wife (skinny woman in the pink dress standing next to him) stare at the teleprompter like it’s the anti-Christ.…

Thank you Christian Nightmares. This is … I don’t know how to explain it. Just watch. But… YOU MUST WATCH UNTIL 2:59. I don’t want to explain. I wouldn’t know how to explain. Just watch. Wow. I’m still laughing.

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