Jesus Needs New PR

Uh…. As if Woody doesn’t bring people joy. There’s a sex joke in there somewhere, but I’m choosing to take the high road. I know. You’re shocked. Me too. But seriously, Joy Story? Groan. Sent to me by @BrianDBuchanan. Thanks man.

Ooh… among all of the crazy represented in this video, we learn that one of God’s creative miracles includes giving somebody brand new eyeballs! Awesome. Sigh. Found at Christian Nightmares

According to the Charlotte Observer… A Concord man was charged with describing how to make explosives, in an effort to bomb an abortion clinic, after FBI agents found instructions on the man’s Facebook page and caught him in a sting, officials said Thursday. Justin Carl Moose, 26, is a self-described “extremist, radical” and the “Christian…

Found at

Found at Christian Nightmares.

Wow. Lord have mercy on humanity. Special thanks to my friend Christopher for sending this in.

And another new Jars of Clay song featuring Amy Grant…

My friends over at Advent Conspiracy are having a film contest! All of the details are here. Go check it out–and not to just enter the contest, but also to vote! And help them spread the word. If you know any filmmakers or home-movie junkies, let them know about this contest.

The following is a short excerpt of my next book, Good God: Why Embracing the Questions, Hope, and Punch Lines of Our Faith Helps Me Believe. The first draft of the manuscript has been handed in, and I’ll begin rewrites and edits soon. This portion comes from a chapter called “Punctuating Jesus.” Oh, and please…

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