Jesus Needs New PR

Oh dear. TLC is getting all biblical on us, and no, I don’t mean The Duggars. I mean, a reality TV show is about to give us a lesson about polygamy!!!!!!! polygamy. While I’m pretty sure this isn’t the sort of “biblical programming” that Christians want to see, is it wrong of me to hope…

According to Evangelist Joshua Mills at says he was recently preaching in New Zealand when a woman began smelling the minty-fresh fragrance of toothpaste. And the woman was like, “What? Why in the world would I be smelling toothpaste?!” Well, come to find out, God had been busy whitening her teeth. Yes! Whitening her…

Who is the greatest among us?! Me? You? Both of us? (Can we ride together to save gas and the environment?) When he witnessed Peter, James, and John arguing about who would be the greatest among them, Jesus said… In this world the kings and great men lord it over their people, yet they are…


Thank you @KanyeWest…(All tweets were copied word for word from Kanye’s Twitter page.)

Wow. Much gratitude to @hughlh for sending this picture to me.

I’ve listened to this song at least a thousand times in my lifetime. I love the words and its melody and its emotion. So much power and beauty in this song. (Please forgive the shaky camera work. I took all of this footage with my iPhone. )

This is a screen shot of the terms that people have Googled or Binged today and then somehow found my blog. Two of the listings include “Mark Driscoll.” And they made me smile, so I thought I’d share them with you…

Uh… Hmm… Okay. I shouldn’t ask this… But I have to. Is she wearing a bra in the after picture? Just wondering. (Four different people sent me this picture today… Thanks to each of you…)

According to The Daily Beast… Barak: Israel Willing to Split Jerusalem We’ll believe it when we hear it from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Israeli Defense Minister and former Prime Minister Ehud Barak tells Haaretz that his government is willing to split Jerusalem, a reversal for a regime that had previously insisted that Jerusalem “remain the…

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