Jesus Needs New PR

I read the following editorial in Nashville’s City Paper. It’s a piece written by Teddy Bart about a Catholic Priest who is a friend of his who is apparently known for causing a ruckus in the Catholic Church… Apparently the Pope doesn’t like being questioned. Who knew?! 🙂 In the early ’70s, Nashville, like other…

This is interesting, huh? Do you shake your booty for Jesus?

Crazy Pastor Jesse talks about his visit to Heaven in the clip above (found at Christian Nightmares). The clip reminded me of snippet from a chapter called “Jesus® Will Make You Weird” from Jesus Needs New PR–you know, when Jesus Needs New PR was going to be a book. Just remember, I wrote this like…

Share Jesus while you pee. Don’t let somebody piss and leave without seeing your pee-stained gospel of Jesus Christ. And if the above method doesn’t work, try this… Above picture sent to me by @gavoweb Below picture found here.

Look! A giant boot print. On Mars. And praise the Lord, it’s left all those scientific smarty-pants scratching their heads and wondering HOW in the world could a boot print so huge end up on Mars. Well, I know how… Jesus. That’s who! If Jesus can walk on water, he can walk on Mars. New…

HOME SCHOOL PRISON! from EIT! LIVE! on Vimeo. Uh… Wow. Found at Everything is Terrible…

Yesterday, I ran into one of my gym acquaintances, a thirty-year-old named Gabe (name changed) who I hadn’t seen since April or March. This is how our conversation went… “Hey Gabe. How’s it going?” “I’m doing all right; haven’t seen you in a few months.” “I was thinking the same thing. But I’ve had a…

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