Jesus Needs New PR

Can somebody interpret this for us? Found at Christian Nightmare

I must say, the host handled this quite well… considering the guy can’t sing and his hair is in a bun. Thanks to Bill for sending this to me.

Love Brooke Fraser.

Night night Jesus… I’m sort of glad we can’t see what’s written in the thought bubble. 🙂

TIM TEBOW, that’s who! The honor was bestowed upon Tebow by the Christian website Christian Partner For Life. And it makes perfect sense… he is God’s football player… So… ladies… what do you think? Any better choice? Found at Christian Nightmares.

THIS JUST IN: THE GAY AGENDA IS SNEAKY. Can I hear you praise the Lord with a little Woop! Woop!???? (Cue the song, “Come On Ride the Train.”) Listen up Christian parents! Well, actually the only ones who need to listen up are those Christian parents who are godless and don’t homeschool or too cheap…

This is awesome… And Steve Martin is hilarious. Thanks to @RockingReverend for sending this to me.

Story by CNN reporter, Christian Purefoy… Just after midnight, the pastor seized a woman’s forehead with his large hand and she fell screaming and writhing on the ground. “Fire! Fire! Fire!” shouted the worshippers, raising their hands in the air. Pastor Celestine Effiong’s congregants are being delivered from what they firmly believe to be witchcraft.…

The Prop Comic Preacher from Airwave Ranger on Vimeo. Found at Everything is Terrible

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