Jesus Needs New PR

While in New York City, Jessica joined several other influential bloggers in a round-table discussion about “Celebrity Worship.” This clip is a part of an ongoing series of conversations called the Responsibility Project (The series is sponsored by Liberty Mutual). Oh, and I think my wife looks beautiful.

The name of this painting is actually “Sabbath.”

I know Jack (the man wearing the pinstriped shirt in the above picture). Or I should say I knew Jack. I haven’t seen (or thought of) Jack in years. But while watching NBC Nightly News the other night, that changed. I saw Jack on TV. And the story about him wasn’t a good one. Jack,…

Hey GOP peeps from Iowa, way to go on choosing Jeremy Walters as your candidate for House of Representatives! He’s a real winner. I mean, seriously, he uses Facebook! So he must be AWFUL AWESOME. And too, he doesn’t think we should kill gay people! That’s why you chose him, right? Because he so lovable……

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c <td style='padding:2px 1px 0px 5px;' colspan='2'The Word – Losing His Religion Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election Fox News Amazing. 🙂


Warrior Prince Academy from on Vimeo. Princess Prep Promo New from on Vimeo. Yuck. I’m gonna have nightmares. Would you send your child to a camp like this? Thank you Michael for the heads-up. Found here.

After learning about David’s story, I felt like I needed to retract this post. I didn’t know who the preacher was. To those who explained David’s experience, thank you for giving me the heads-up. I apologize if this post offended anybody. The video I linked to is up at Christian Nightmare for anybody who is…

Found at American Jesus.

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