Jesus Needs New PR

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Extremist Makeover – Homeland Edition Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party Again, this is great.

For fourteen years, nearly every single Sunday, this sermon was preached at my church. The sermon’s title was different, but the content was the same. This week I’ve been writing about what I believe to be true in regards to Hell (for my next book Good God). What do you believe is true about Hell?…

I have no idea how true the facts are in this video… Though I’ve heard some of these stories all my life. Mormon beliefs make Christian beliefs seem almost “normal.” (Hello? Some Christians believe in a talking Donkey.) But true or not, it’s hilarious. Sent to me by Derick!

Dear Jesus, Please get this awful tune out of my head. Oh, and please help people to stop living in fear. In your name I pray, Amen. Sent to me by @dethbyvocab.

The message is nice, but those noodles look gross.

NEW AGE ATROCITIES! from Airwave Ranger on Vimeo. Found at Everything is Terrible.

So sad. My thoughts and prayers go out to Ryan’s family.

This is awesome. Found at Christian Nightmares

This story from last month’s Details magazine broke my heart. Deliverance: The True Story of a Gay Exorcism by MATT MCALLESTER The prophet had come up from Georgia. She stood at the front of the Holy Ghost Temple Church and called for parishioners to come forward. On this Sunday in February, roughly 100 worshippers filled…

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