Jesus Needs New PR

Well… God’s version of 2004’s Black Eyed Peas… These beats don’t go Boom Boom Pow… Press Play’s new album releases on August 24.

 Every teenager and every parent of a teenager should read this book by Josh Shipp. Last year Josh was named one of INC. Magazine’s 30 under 30. And too, CNN included Josh on their “Young Person Who Rocks” list. He also hosts his own TV show called “Jump Shipp.” And now his first major…

Q | Conversations on Being a Heretic from Q Ideas on Vimeo. An amazing conversation with thinker, pastor, and author Brian McLaren. I love Brian.

Found this on Christian Nightmares. Movie reviewer Bob Waliszewski ‘plugs you in’ with why you SHOULDN’T see Eat Pray Love and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World! And surprise surprise he finds out that BOTH flicks do not contain the “Christian message” as defined by Focus on the Family’s “Plugged In” department. In fact, Bob says…

Caption anybody? Thanks Heather.

Wow. Picture taken by @MarketerMikeE

So manipulative… So full of fear… So annoying… But guilt, fear, and manipulation work well inside church… And the thing is… even with all that passion… all that yelling and screaming… all of that self-proclaiming certainty… …doesn’t make any of what he’s saying any more true. In the end, he still doesn’t know what happens…

Ouch. Does this mean that Jesus is like an antibiotic? Just enough infection to get our soul’s immune systems to fight the evil? And where does the cross/needle go? Our shoulders? Our butts? Where? This hurts in so many ways.

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