Jesus Needs New PR

Oh my. This is just awful. Stay on your pills, people. There’s enough crazy people posting at my blog… (don’t make me stop taking my Adderall. You wouldn’t like me off Adderall.) 🙂 Found.

Is this a skit? I mean, seriously. Is this for real?! It’s like a SNL skit. Hahahahahahaha! … Hahahahahahaha! This guy is hilarious. If it’s real. UPDATE: Here’s Second City’s response to this video… (Funny) Found at Unreasonable Faith.

…signs …billboards …post-it notes …uh, whatever this is …flags (Yep. That’s me holding the flag.) …drumsticks …doodling …toy rosaries (I seriously doubt this person is Catholic.) 🙂

This is me at 23. It’s May 1996. I was graduating from college–Belmont University. (Yes, I carried my Bible with me across the platform.) My sister Kelley is on the right and my friend Julie is on the left.

There’s a church (I think it’s in Arizona) known as The Cool Church. And they sponsor the traffic and weather. Here’s a video from The Cool Church’s pastor, Mr. David McAllister… it’s about quicksand. Is your church a cool church, too? Does your pastor have spiky blond hair? (Uh, sort of. But not exactly.) Is…

Good morning. Okay, so while I was sleeping I received a handful of emails about my post regarding Rick Warren’s Tweet, so let me clarify a couple things. I like Rick Warren. I’ve met him twice and thought he was a warm kind individual with a great passion for the teachings of Jesus. By no…

So this afternoon Rick Warren–you know, Good Morning America‘s pastor–tweeted the following message to his followers… I challenge any church in America to match the spiritual maturity, godliness & commitment of any 500 members of Saddleback. YES! YES! YES! (NOTE TO SELF: Choose 500 infants.) Rick wants to start a Church Olympics!! Praise the Lord.…

Wait a minute. Green? Yellow? Is this a BP station?! Found at Christian Nightmares.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Municipal Land-Use Hearing Update Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Municipal Land-Use Update – Ground Zero Mosque Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party The holy…

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