Jesus Needs New PR

For me, this picture of Jesus is pretty sobering. But it also inspires me. At first, this image offended me. Let me explain: People ask me all the time if I have a “line” that I won’t cross to what I’m willing to blog about. Well, when it comes to “Jesus Pictures,” my rule has…

See Jesus? Well, he’s there! And according to the ad on… THIS IS NOT A HOAX! “JESUS IN THE MARBLE”, A PRICELESS MODERN DAY MIRACLE! (Looks like cracks in a wall to me. Sure, I see “Jesus,” but I also see poor marble work.) The image of “Jesus in the Marble” was found in…

Or is it Emo Jesus? Or I Shop At Target Jesus? Or…. ?

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Pope’s Baseball Cap & CatholicTV<a> Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election Fox News Best line: “It’s like the guilt is coming right at me!”

The miming begins around .41. I’m not sure what the first 40 seconds is all about. Found at Christian Nightmares.

My son Jude is seven and enjoys photography and playing with his little sisters. He could care less about playing war games with the other boys in the neighborhood. Sometimes he’d just rather come home and help me cook dinner. Or handcraft a card for a friend. I’m glad Jude was born a month after…

SOURCE: Strip-club owner Tommy George rolled up to the church in his grabber-orange Dodge Challenger, drinking a Mountain Dew at 9 in the morning and smoking a cigarette he had just rolled himself. Pastor Bill Dunfee stepped out of a tan Nissan Murano, clutching a Bible in one hand and his sermon in the other,…

Gosh, I love this kid. I am so blessed by him.

SOURCE: A “pro-life” group in Arkansas is celebrating (they sent out a press release!) the closing of The Fayetteville Women’s Clinic, one of only two places in Arkansas that perform abortions. According o the press release, the group says… “This will be the sixth abortion center at a location where 40 Days for Life’s peaceful…

Oh my. So do you think the pastor is getting arrested?

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